Published : Saturday,
21 September 2013
Serajul Islam
The writer is a retired career Ambassador. serajul7@gmail.com
The Awami League's insistence that the elections must be held as laid down in
the Constitution should have been music to the ears of the people of
Bangladesh. In fact, all Bangladeshis should have stood up and acclaimed the
Prime Minister for her faith in the Constitution and her determination not to
budge an inch from holding elections according to the Constitution.
Unfortunately, the Prime Minister's faith in the Constitution has divided the
nation in a manner never before in its history.
The division in itself may not have been bad enough; what is worse is that
there is widespread apprehension in the country and abroad that Bangladesh
would face civil strife unless the division created by the AL's (Awami League)
insistence to hold elections according to the Constitution and the BNP's
opposition to it, is resolved. The reason is a very simple one if one is
prepared to call a spade a spade. For the first time in Bangladesh's political
history, the ruling party cannot think of losing power because of fear of
retribution. The BNP (Bangladesh Nationalist Party) cannot allow the elections
to be held under an AL-led Interim Government because it cannot think even in a
nightmare of another five years of AL rule.
In a recent talk show, former Prime
Minister Kazi Zafar Ahmed stated this in unequivocal terms. Thus the AL wants elections where it would have control of the government.
Former Chief Election Commissioner Dr. Shamsul Huda in a recent interview has,
however, allayed the fears that in such an election, the ruling party would influence
the outcome, as realistic. Nevertheless, these fears have strengthened the
demand of the opposition for elections under non-party government. The fears of
the opposition notwithstanding, the Constitution as the supreme law of the land
cannot be changed or suited to allay such fears. Thus on the face of it, the
fears of the opposition should be dismissed because the Constitution's
supremacy must be upheld. But, the issue is not as simple as one that would
suggest that the ruling party is trying to uphold the Constitution while the
opposition is trying to violate it.
The controversy is not really on faith or lack of it in the Constitution. It is
over an amendment to the Constitution. The Awami League is in fact trying to
uphold the supremacy of the 15th amendment and in that context too, only that
part of the Constitution which is related to the way to hold the national
elections. Explicitly, the AL is going ahead to hold national elections under
Interim Government that would be headed by Sheikh Hasina as Prime Minister and
her elected party colleagues as Ministers. The Awami League placed the Interim
Government system in the 15th Amendment that replaced elections under caretaker
government (CTG) that it had forced the BNP-led government in 1996 to include
in the Constitution through the 13th amendment on the plea that elections under
Interim Government headed by Khaleda Zia would not be free and fair!
The 15th Amendment has a history that raises a few more questions in people's
minds about the intention of the Awami League concerning it. The amendment
resulted from a High Court ruling that declared the 13th Amendment on the CTG
as unconstitutional because it held that only elected individuals could elect
democratic governments. The ruling party took a short version of that ruling
and hastily used it to replace the CTG with the Interim Government. It however
ignored the Court's recommendation that at least two more elections could be
held under the CTG because of the nature of country's politics. The 15th
Amendment was the result of deliberations in which the opposition parties were
not involved. It took merely a few hours for the 15th Amendment to be passed in
The ruling party introduced this fundamental change in the Constitution without
any mandate and that, too, to change the system of elections from one that it
had forced the BNP-led government to put in the Constitution. The AL had argued
in 1996 that it needed the CTG because it did not trust the BNP-led government.
That trust factor has deteriorated manifold today; yet the AL went ahead and
abolished the very system it created for free and fair elections. Further, the
ruling party has, in the mean time, politicised the civil bureaucracy and
police administration in a manner no government has done in the past.
Therefore, if the AL's argument in 1996 for the CTG was a correct one, the
BNP's demand for its restoration today is a stronger one.
The demand for restoration of the CTG is today no longer the demand of the BNP
alone. Independent opinion polls have shown that the overwhelming majority of
the people, many of whom are not supporters of the opposition parties, want
elections to be held in a manner where both the AL and the BNP would be able to
participate to save the country from sliding towards the precipice. Foreign
friends of Bangladesh have likewise expressed a similar view. The US Secretary
of State, John Kerry, the UN Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon and the EU have
unequivocally called for free, fair, transparent and "inclusive" general
elections to save Bangladesh from disaster. In fact, other than the AL and that
too, the circle close to the Prime Minister, the rest of Bangladesh and the
country's well-wishers abroad want elections to be held in a manner closer to
what the BNP wants and unequivocally not the way the AL wants.
Constitution is for the people. The people of Bangladesh do not want elections
without the opposition. Therefore, the AL would be going against their wishes
if it held elections under the 15th Amendment. Its claim that the Constitution
must be upheld at any cost is also paper-thin because it is adamant to uphold
not really the Constitution but a part of it that it put in the Constitution,
unilaterally, designed to give it advantage to return to power. It has unwittingly
or by a show of arrogance left enough evidence to reach such a conclusion as an
obvious one.
The spirit of 1971 is to empower the people. Although the ruling party claims
that all it is doing is to uphold that spirit, the 15th Amendment has done
something unbelievable. At a time when the people feel that they need to tell
the political parties clearly, in a referendum, their opinion on how to hold
the national elections, they find that the 15th Amendment has taken away that
right from them. The 15th Amendment has abolished referendum! That has
confirmed apprehension in the public mind that the faith of the ruling party in
the Constitution has been tailored to suit its own political ends and
The writer is a retired career Ambassador. serajul7@gmail.com
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