Moni’s Delhi trip: Even promises are fading
The Holiday,
2nd August, 2013

Foreign Minister (FM)
Dipu Moni was in New Delhi late last month for a three-day visit. She was
invited by New Delhi-based Observer Research Foundation for delivering a
memorial lecture. However that was not the real reason for her Delhi visit. She
had gone there to make a last ditch attempt to urge New Delhi to deliver two
stalled deals, namely the Teesta Water Sharing Agreement and the ratification
of the 1974 Land Boundary Agreement (LBA) for exchange of enclaves and land in
adverse possession that, if not delivered, could become embarrassing and
damaging electoral issues for the ruling party in the next general elections
due in January next.
arrival in New Delhi, the Bangladesh Foreign Minister told newsmen: “If this
bill does not go through and if the Teesta water sharing deal is not signed,
they will surely become important issues in the rundown to the parliament
elections in my country.” To pursue the two deals, she met the Indian Prime
Minister Dr. Manmohon Singh, the BJP Leader in Rajya Sabha Arun Jetley and the
Minister of External Affairs Salman Khurshid. The meeting with Dr. Singh did
not provide any result to make the Foreign Minister smile. The Indian PM
reiterated New Delhi’s commitment to deliver both the deals without mentioning
when it would take place. On the Teesta, he told Dipu Moni that the agreement
on the Teesta notwithstanding, water was continuing to flow to Bangladesh
unhindered; hardly encouraging news for the AL led Government! On delivery of
the two deals, even the promises have become weaker.
If her meeting with
Dr Manmohon Singh was disappointing; the one with Arun Jetley, the BJP leader
in Rajya Sabha was disheartening. He informed Dipu Moni that his party understood
Bangladesh’s position but the BJP has its own policy on the issue based on
which it would decide the ratification issue. BJP is strongly opposed to ceding
any Indian territory, however small, to another country and the LBA, if
ratified will give Bangladesh an additional 10,050.61 acres in the exchange.
Further, the BJP believes that 20 million Bangladeshis are illegally staying in
India. BJP wants this issue to be resolved before the LBA ratification can be
discussed that makes the LBA deal most uncertain. Dipu Moni did not attempt to
meet the mercurial Chief Minister of Paschim Bangla, Mamata Banarjee who holds
the key to the Teesta deal. She could have easily made a trip to Kolkata to
meet her either on way to Delhi or on way back. Dhaka still “trusts” New Delhi
to convince Mamata Banarjee to agree to the deal.
What Dipu Moni was
informed in New Delhi no doubt was bad news for the AL led government. Upon her
return to Dhaka, she has however given a positive spin to her visit, stating
that Indian leaders have reiterated their commitments to the deals and informed
her that the process to do the needful are under way. She blamed the opposition
for failure to bring the deals to the stage the AL led government has. Her spin
appeared to be an afterthought to offset media reports in Bangladesh and India
that concluded that the visit was futile and unsuccessful. Kolkata’s Ananda
Bazar Patrika has quoted the Foreign Minister as saying after her talks with
the Indian leaders that “if the deals are not signed, it will be very
and seek
There was a clear
hint that she was resigned to fate because she did not hear anything from the
Indian leaders to give her hope that New Delhi would deliver the deals for the
Awami League to use it the forthcoming general elections. When journalists
asked to comment on the outcome of the visit, an official of the Bangladesh
High Commission in New Delhi smartly tried to hide its disappointing outcome.
He said that as the Foreign Minister’s visit was not official, there was no
expectation at all from her visit.
Unfortunately, the
Ministry of Foreign Affairs was not as smart as the officer at the Bangladesh
High Commission. In the build up to the visit, Bangladesh Foreign Ministry
officials emphasized that the FM would be meeting the Indian Prime Minister,
her Indian counterpart and leaders of the BJP to give the impression that her
visit, its unofficial status notwithstanding, was intended to expedite and
resolve the Teesta and the LBA deals. People were led to believe that the deals
were moving towards resolution, only awaiting Dipu Moni’s visit for the final
push. In fact, Foreign Ministry sources even did not care to tell the media
what would be the subject of the Foreign Minister’s memorial lecture so that focus
remained on her real intention for undertaking the visit, to expedite the
resolution of the two stalled deals.
The other smart thing
that the Foreign Ministry didn’t do was ask its High Commission in New Delhi
and Deputy High Commission in Kolkata for status reports on whether BJP and
Mamata Banarjee had changed their stance on the stalled issues and New Delhi
was close to delivery. If it had, it would have saved the Foreign Minister from
going to New Delhi on a wild goose chase. A status report from the High
Commission would have informed the Foreign Minister that the BJP’s position had
hardened with national elections round the corner. A similar status report from
the Deputy High Commission in Kolkata would have informed her that Mamata
Banerjee’s stance had also hardened. Just before the FM went to New Delhi,
Mamata had stated in Kolkata that for her, the interests of northern Paschim
Bangla through which the Teesta flows to Bangladesh, was more important than
doing Bangladesh a favour. Ominously, people there are against the Teesta deal.
Furthermore, her conflict with the Congress over center-province issues had
intensified and with focus on the next elections, she was no longer in any mood
to do the Congress a favour.
It is a sad
reflection on the professional competence of the Foreign Ministry that it did
not learn from experience. It had made the same mistake when the Indian Prime
Minister visited Dhaka. A routine check at that time with Kolkata’s Bangladesh
Deputy High Commission would have informed the AL led government that Mamata
Banarjee would not agree to the Teesta deal, something that was public
knowledge in Paschim Bangla and New Delhi. She was then in foul mood
threatening to bring down the Congress led coalition government by withdrawing
the 20 Trinamool members from the Congress led UPA coalition. Further she was
contesting for an assembly seat at the time of the Indian Prime Minister’s
visit for retaining her position as Chief Minister of Paschim Bangla from a constituency
through which the Teesta flows to Bangladesh where the voters were opposed to
the Teesta deal.
A similar routine
check with the Bangladesh High Commission in New Delhi would have alerted Dhaka
that the additional protocol on the LBA signed during the Indian Prime
Minister’s visit was not even worth the value of the paper on which it was
signed. Dhaka had welcomed the additional protocol as a significant achievement
(after the abrupt withdrawal of the Teesta deal) unaware that the BJP was deadly
opposed to ceding Indian territory, however small, to another country. For
unexplained reasons New Delhi did not convey this position to Dhaka nor on
Mamata Banarjee (in fact New Delhi helped build expectations in Dhaka). That
notwithstanding, Dhaka must accept blame for some extremely shoddy
diplomatic way of negotiating on national issues that landed the AL led
government in deep trouble with the visit of the Indian Prime Minister. Instead
of learning from bad experiences, Dhaka has committed the same diplomatic faux
pas with the Foreign Minister’s trip; only this time the party needed good news
from New Delhi desperately for shoring up its political fortunes that are fast
sinking over a host of issues with national elections in Bangladesh approaching
courageous steps
Clearly, the FM’s
trip was ill advised and speaks of the poor quality of diplomacy by the Foreign
Ministry. Dhaka’s shoddy diplomatic performance notwithstanding, New Delhi must
share a lot of the blame for the ruling party’s current predicament in domestic
politics over its attempts to improve relations with India. It has treated the
AL led Government very badly and not so honestly. Sheikh Hasina took the
courageous steps at considerable political risks and delivered to India what
have been its dreams from Bangladesh, namely a total guarantee for its security
concerns and a trial run of the critical land transit with promise to make it
permanent for a paradigm shift of Bangladesh-Indian relations even without
asking for reciprocity. Therefore, New Delhi should have cautioned Dhaka at a
minimum level of friendly gesture from Bangladesh that it should not expect too
much out of the visit of the Indian Prime Minister. This time, New Delhi should
have advised the Foreign Minister against the visit.
A recent
IBN/CNN/The Hindu election tracker poll has placed Bangladesh as the country
Indians trust most with 48% responding in its favour because of the initiatives
of the Al led government, ahead of Russia with 46%. Asked to explain, former
Indian High Commissioner to Bangladesh Dev Mukherjee said that in the last 5
years “Bangladesh has addressed our security concerns very comprehensively
whereas in previous regimes, trouble makers were given support.” The former
High Commissioner added that there is a sense of guilt in India “because India
has not delivered what India should have delivered on and reciprocated, be it
on Teesta waters or the land boundary agreement.” It seems that level of
competence has not just deteriorated in Bangladesh. A source in the Indian
External Affairs Ministry expressed the view that the Foreign Minister’s visit
has allowed Dhaka to better understand New Delhi’s current predicament over the
failure to deliver the deals!
The FM’s failed trip
has put New Delhi on a spot. It has flagged the fact that the failure to
deliver the Teesta and LBA to Bangladesh has landed the Awami League at great
political desperation underscored by the desperate decision to send the
Bangladesh High Commissioner in New Delhi to meet the BJP leader Narendra Modi.
Nevertheless, looking into the future, New Delhi should understand that
Bangladesh would need encouragement to continue to provide India what it has
already given without even being asked , let alone reciprocity. New Delhi
should prepare itself so that when there is a new government in Dhaka and
another in New Delhi, the two governments could together move ahead in building
mutually beneficial bilateral relations where, if there is political will and
honesty that Bangladesh has shown and India needs to show, there are huge
dividends for both the countries.
There was one
important and positive outcome of Dipu Moni’s New Delhi visit though. She was
able to get positive response to the idea of sub-regional cooperation for the management
of the Ganges-Brahmaputra-Meghna Basin Regime. The future of Bangladesh-India
relations as well as the development of the sub- region could very well be
embedded in this Basin Regime.
The writer is a
retired career Ambassador.
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